Trends in Cancer Incidence in the Czech
Žaloudík J., Geryk E., Vyzula R., Dušek L.
Masarykův onkologický ústav, ředitel doc. MUDr. Jan Žaloudík, CSc. Univerzitní onkologické centrum, Brno, vedoucí doc. MUDr. Jan Žaloudík, CSc. |
In general, the cancer incidence becomes stabilized in the Czech Republic during last years.
However, the incidence of colorectal and renal cancers remains increasing and dominates also in
European comparisons. A program of cancer prevention and early detection needs to be established at least for six so called preventable cancers as breast, lung, colorectal, cervical and
prostatic carcinomas and malignant melanoma, which represent together 40 % of all oncological
cases. The aim is reduction of cancer mortality as well as improved effectivity of cancer treatment
and cost reduction. More efficient utilisation of the National Cancer Registry data for monitoring
of the cancer management is suggested with an application of the project SVOD - the software
system of visualisation of oncological data.
Key words:
Malignant tumors - Trends of cancer incidence - Cancer prevention program - National Cancer Registry