Czech version
of the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-II) proposed by the International
Headache Society
Opavský J.1, Keller O.2, Kotas R.3, Mastík J.4, Marková J.5, Rejda J.6, Waberžinek G.7
1 Katedra fyzioterapie a algoterapie, FTK UP Olomouc, 2Neurologická klinika FTN Praha, 3Neurologická klinika LF a FN Plzeň, 4Neurologická klinika LF a FN u sv. Anny Brno, 5Neurologické oddělení Nemocnice Kladno, 6Neurologické oddělení Nemocnice s poliklinikou Most, 7Neurologická klinika LF a FN Hradec Králové |
The International Headache Society (IHS) considers classification and diagnostic criteria for headache
disorders to be a very important issue. Therefore, its Headache Classification Committee prepared, in 1988,
Classification and Diagnostic Criteria for Headache Disorders, Cranial Neuralgias and Facial Pain, which
has been accepted throughout the world for scientific and clinical purposes. This classification has been
translated into more than 20 different languages. Increasing knowledge of the pathogenesis of some types of
headache and wide nosographic research led to a revision of the first edition of the IHS classification, called
The International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd edition, which was presented during the XI
Congress of the IHS in Rome in September 2003. Its full version was published in Cephalagia 2004, Volume
24, Supplementum 1. Members of the Committee of the Czech Headache Society translated this classification
into the Czech language both for research and for clinical application, in accordance with the aims
of the IHS, to improve the diagnostics, treatment and care of headache.
Key words:
international classification, classification of headache disorders, Czech version, International
Headache Society