The authors answer the frequently questions concerning conjunctivo-cystorhinostomy
(CDCR) according to Jones. The surgery is successful in 80-90 %. The
minimal age for the surgery is 10 years of age; patients 70 years old and older
tolerate the operation less well. The basic prerequisite for its indication is good
motivation of the patient. In the glass tube, the obstruction is not common, and
there is the reason why the authors prefer them. The tube remains in situ during
the whole life. In contrast to dacryocystorhinostomy, in CDCR the complication
ratio is higher - up to 2/5 of patients. Fixation of the tube to the eyelid with a stitch
lowers the number of commonest complications (loss and migration of the tube
Key words:
Conjunctivocystorhinostomy, motivation, complications