Our experience with anaesthetic combination of butyrophenone derivative droperidol (D, 0.8 mg/kg b.w.) +
alpha-2-agonist xylazine (X, 5 mg/kg b.w.) + ketamine (X, 35 mg/kg b.w.), in 28 rats (12 female, 8+8 male) is
described. Anaesthesia protocol started with ether inhalation (5 ml/l air) in a glass bell. When the effect of
anaesthesia was evident, droperidol and xylazine with ketamine were administered in an intramuscular
injection. At the same time as anaesthetics, atropine (0.05 mg/kg b.w.) was injected subcutaneously.Average time
of induction of ether anaesthesia was 45±30 s. and duration of the surgical stage was 64±16 s. Average time of
recurrence of the position reflex was 120 min. D+X+K anaesthetic combination is safe, cost effective, and it
induces good analgesia and myorelaxation. Anaesthetic effect is possible to prolong with half dose of ketamine
with half dose of droperidol or xylazine in 30 to 40 min. interval and the next prolongation is possible in 20 min.
interval. The presented combination of anaestheticwas used for the soft tissue surgery (laparotomy, thoracotomy,
and cannulation of large vessels – a. carotis, v. jugularis), both in experiments and clinical praxis.
Key words:
laboratory rat, general anaesthesia, ketamine, xylazine, droperidol, dehydrobenzperidol