Illegal drugs represent substantial health, social, legal and economical risks both for individuals and the whole
society. Since 1989 the Czech drug scene has changed rapidly; these changes have resulted in an establishment of
new market-based drug scene similar to other western European countries. Authors summarise basic data on the
whole spectrum of drug users groups and emphasise that the concept of drug users as patients in treatment or as
criminal offenders only was wrong. So-called recreational drug users are the most prevalent and from the research
point of view the least studied group of users mostly without any contact with treatment services or criminal justice
system. Drug information system introduced in the Czech Republic four years ago is presented; this system allows
comparison with other European countries. It covers surveys on drug use among general and school population,
studies on prevalence estimates of problem drug use, treatment demands, drug related infectious diseases and drug
related deaths. Data on drug related crime, drug consumption and drug seizing are briefly presented.
Key words:
illegal drugs, drug use, drug scene, epidemiological indicators, trends in the drug use.