Patients with Unstable
Angina Pectoris - Present State in the Czech and Moravian Hopistals in the Year 2000
Špác J.1, Pařenica J.1, Partišová M.2, Habrovcová S.2, Hamplová M.2
1II. interní klinika Lékařské fakulty MU a FN u sv. Anny, Brno, přednosta doc. MUDr. Jiří Zicha, CSc. 2Aventis Pharma, s.r.o., Praha |
The authors evaluated the occurrence of risk factors, mode of therapy and in-patient mortality in
726 patients admitted to 38 Czech and Moravian hospitals for unstable angina pectoris with ECG
finding of ischaemia without ST segment elevation, who were indicated to application of anticoagulant
treatment with low molecular weight heparin. The duration of the before-hospital phase
represented a significant risk factor for the progression of disease up to Q myocardial infarction.
The relapse of stenocardia occurred in 19.8 % of patients during the hospitalization and myocardical
infarction Q occurred in 7.5 % patients, while 2.89 % patients died during hospitalization.
These results were compared with those performed in the registries of GRACE, ENACT and Euro
Heart Survey Acute Coronary Syndrome - EHS - ACS. The results of therapy in the Czech Republic
may be further improved by a more advanced health education within the framework of
secondary prevention of IHD, a risk stratification of patients, more modern drug therapy and
a better collaboration of hospitals lacking invasive catchment area workplaces of intervention
Key words:
Unstable angina pectoris - Acute coronary syndrome