Radiation Duodenitis as a Cause of Recurrent
Massive Bleeding
Hyrdel R. 1 , Vošková D. 1 , Božíková J. 1 , Beseda O. 2 , Figová E. 4 , Beniak J. 3
1 II. interná klinika JLF UK a MFN, Centrum pre rezistentné peptické vredy, prednosta doc. MUDr. R. Hyrdel, CSc., 2 Ústav patologickej anatómie JLF UK a MFN Martin, prednosta doc. MUDr. Ľ. Lauko, CSc., 3 Poliklinické oddelenie klinickej onkológie NsP Poprad, primár MUDr. J. Beniak, 4 Rádioterapeutické odd. MFN, prim. MUDr. E. Hajtmanová |
The course of a disease with recurrent massive bleeding
into gastrointestinal tract of unknown ethiology is described in 68 years old female patient. As far as neither
long-term intensive antisecretory treatment was shown to
be protective against development of complications, the
suspicion for Zollinger Ellison syndrome (ZES) was raised. The patient was admitted to Medical Clinic II with
severe posthemorrhagic anaemia, whereas blood transfusions were required. When endoscopised, extremely fragile mucosa with numerous erosions and ulcerations covered by fibrin and mucus were found. The diagnoses such
as Crohn disease, amyloidosis, mycosis or parasitosis
were excluded. The same holds true for ZES. After re-evaluation of the patient’ records and after the consultations
with pathology and radiotherapy experts, the case was
concluded as the postirradiation segmentary duodenitis
after adjuvant radiotherapy for primary diagnosis of
Grawitz tumor after nefrectomy of the right kidney. Antisecretory therapy was replaced by mucoprotective and
vasoprotective therapy. The patient feels well on the administered therapy, while blood count and weight are
stabile. There has been no need for blood transfusion for
six months. Both histological and endoscopis findings
were restored to normal in the affected part of the duodenum.
Key words:
radiation, duodenitis, bleeding, treatment