In the Czech Republic in 1989 a triple increase of the incidence of salmonelloses was recorded:
34 435 cases. Since that year the morbidity trend varies between 400 and 500 cases per 100 000
population. The dominating agent (95% and more) is Salmonella Enteritidis PT8. The epidemic
incidence was recorded on the whole territory of the Czech Republic mainly in Moravia and in the
East Bohemian region. The specific morbidity is highest in 0 and 1 – 4 year-old children. The seasonal
incidence has two peaks with the exception of 1997. During the period between 1989 and 1996 there
was a significant increase of epidemics of salmonellosis in conjunction with food production incl.
private confectionery shops, restaurants and the sale of foods in the streets. The most important
vehicle are eggs and egg products, in particular confectionery. Salmonella Typhimurium DT104 is
found only rarely in the Czech Republic. The first epidemic (15 cases) developed in 1998.
Key words:
salmonellosis – S. Enteritidis – period 1989–1998 – eggs – confectionery – phage types –
S. Typhimurium DT104.