Several studies háve shown that pharmacological treatment of systolic-diastolic hypertension oř isolated systolic
hypertension in elderly persons would result in several years in a significant decrease (more than 40%) of stroke.
Occurrence of strokes decreased in the Czech Republic in years 1985 till 2002 by more than 40%, which represents
about two thirds of the decrease observed in the USA. Nevertheless, we cannot be satisfied with the treatment of
hypertension in the Czech Republic because only 18% of patients are effectively treated for the hypertension, with
BP<140/90 mm Hg. Not well controlled hypertension results námely from the minimal use of the combination
treatment. From the point of prognosis for the hypertensive patients older than 50 years, the level of systolic pressure
is more important than the diastolic pressure. The risk of development of the stroke rises from the level of systolic
blood pressure 115 mmHg almost linearly. Calcium channel blockers oř diuretics represent the most appropriate
therapy of the isolated systolic hypertension of elderly patients. The risk of stroke is higher also in persons with
elevated blood pressure in the morning. That is why in elderly patients the use of drugs effectively controlling blood
pressure during 24 hours is necessary. Recent studies (HOPE study, PROGRESS study) háve demonstrated that the
reduction of blood pressure decreases the occurrence of stroke not only in hypertensive patients, but also in the
normotensive persons during the primary and secondary prevention. Review data show that 27% of ischemic strokes
and 57% of hemorhagic strokes, which happened in the "treated" hypertensive patients, are due to not well controlled
hypertension. Missing treatment of hypertension is responsible for 22,8% of strokes in men and 25,4% in women.
The given data show a big reservě for the possibility to decrease further the stroke incidence in the population
Key words:
hypertension in elderly patients, systolic hypertension, stroke, primary prevention of stroke, treatment
of hypertension.