Protective Role of Pilocarpine and Taurine in the Pigmented Retinal Epithelium,
in the Retina and Optic Nerve
Veselovský J., Oláh Z., Veselá A.
Katedra živočíšnej fyziológie a etológie Prir. Fak. UK, Bratislava, SR, |
Chromatoghraphic analysis under in vivo conditions in bovine eyes revealed that
after instillation of 3% pilocarpine into the conjunctival sac, 2 and a half hours
after their last administration, that this alkaloid penetrates also into the posterior
tissue structures , i.e. into the pigmented retinal epithelium, central and periphe-
ral portion of the retina and optic nerve. The authors recorded its interaction with
the amino acid taurine. The assembled results provide evidence that in the
investigated tissue structures: 1. the taurine level of all amino acids is present in
ther highest concentration, 2. pilocarpine increases the taurine level as well as the
total amino acid level, 3. the ratio of taurine in the total amount of amino acids
declined in the pigmented epthelium of the retina and in the peripheral part of the
retina, while its rise was found in the cenral portion. Its ratio in the optic nerve did
not change. It was also found that the parasympaticomimetic - pilocarpine which
maintains the taurine level in the examined tissue structures at the required
physiological levels, contributes to the maintenance of their morpholgical structures
and physiological functions. At the same time it has a substantial therapeutic effect
in the inhibition of signs of glaucoma in the structures of the eye.
Key words:
taurine concentrations in the posterior segment of the eye, function