Purpose: To inform about the successful surgical treatment of the retinal detach-
ment of the macula and macular hole, as a complication of the optic disc pit.
Patient: The authors report about 32 years old patient with optic disc pit compli-
cated with the retinal detachment and the macular hole. After pars plana vitrec-
tomy with intraocular gas injection (20% C3F8) associated with the aplication of
the autologous serum and follow up face down positioning, the retinal attachment
of the macula and the closure of the macular hole were present. In the period 9
months after the operation the relaps of the retinal detachment was observed and
the closure of the macular hole is still remained. Condition was treated by
intraocular gas injection (1 ml C3F8) and argonlasercoagulation. During the
period of more than a 13 months after the first operation and 5 months after the
reoperation the retina is attached and the macular hole is closed. In campimetry,
a detailed development of the central scotoma is documented. The final visual
acuity with correction is 6/9, that is improvement in 3 lines in comparison to
preoperative condition.
Conclusion: The surgical treatment of macular hole by optic disc pit is currently
the methods of choise. Using this methods successful anatomical as well as
functional results could be obtained.
Key words:
optic disc pit, pars plana vitrectomy, maculopathy, macular hole