How to Improve Multiple Sclerosis Treatment:
Genetic and Pharmacogenetic Approaches
Emmanuel Monnet1 and Filippo Martinelli Boneschi1,2
1Serono Genetics Institute, Evry, France 2Department of Neurology, Scientific Institute San Raffaele, Milan, Italy |
The availability of the human genome sequence combined with recent
technological advances allows investigating the genetics of complex diseases
and response to treatments with a whole new angle. While in the past,
studies conducted to decipher the role of genetics was limited to very small
portions of the genome, today, DNA chips give researchers the power to
look at the entire genome with simple tests. These new tools help scientists
to understand more deeply molecular mechanisms associated with drug
responses and the development of diseases. This approach has been applied
to better understand the genetic mechanism of multiple sclerosis, and
new information is already available to potentially develop new treatments.
These research opportunities should improve multiple sclerosis
management and bring hope to patients.
Key words:
multiple sclerosis, pharmacogenetics, genetics