The External Quality Control System (EQAS) of laboratory activities in medical microbiology and
parasitology was implemented in the Czech Republic in 1993 with coded sera samples for diagnosis
of viral hepatitis and bacterial strains for identification distributed to first participating laboratories.
The number of sample types reached 31 in 2003 and the number of participating laboratories
rised from79 in 1993 to 421 in 2003. As many as 15.130 samples were distributed to the participating
laboratories in 2003.
Currently, almost all microbiology and parasitology laboratories in the Czech Republic involved in
examination of clinical material participate in the EQAS. Based on the 11-year experience gained
with the EQAS in the Czech Republic, the following benefits were observed: higher accuracy of
results in different tests, standardisation of methods and the use of most suitable test kits.
Key words:
External Quality Control System – medical microbiology – medical parasitology.