During the last two years six patients suffering by carotido-cavernous fistulae were treated by
a neurosurgical and neuroradiological team. In five patients we found a direct carotido-cavernous
fistula after a traumatic injury of the skull base, in one patient we found an indirect carotido-ca-
vernous fistula - a dural malformation of the skull base on the cavernous sinus level. One patient
was treated by neurosurgical intracranial and extracranial occlusion of the corresponding carotid
artery, one patient by direct embolization of the corresponding cavernous sinus during neurosur-
gical intervention, in one patient the corresponding carotid artery was occluded by endovascular
embolization, in two patients the direct carotido-cavernous fistula was occluded by direct endovas-
cular embolization using a detachable balloon, the indirect carotido-cavernous fis tula was occluded
spontaneously after an attempted embolization of the cavernous sinus by the intravenous route.
Key words:
carotido-cavernous fistula - embolization - occlusion test by microballoon