The „locked in“ syndrome and its variants are characterized by a total loss of mobility w hile preserving
the consciousness of the patient. It is the state that imitates coma, but the consciousness and mostly
even the sensory afferentation is preserved. In the classical type the contact with the patient is possible
by vertical eyes movements. In the early stage magnetic resonance imaging, including magnetic
resonance angiography is very useful. We present the case-reports of three patients with „locked in“
syndrome of vascular origin. In all these three patients there was a gradual progress of neurological
symptoms. We discuss the possibility of early therapeutic intervention. In severe ischaemias in the
vertebro-basilar region early thrombolytic therapy should be taken into considerati on. Our experience
is supported by reports from the literature.
Key words:
„locked in“ syndrome, case-reports, diagnostics, magnetic resonance imaging, early inten-
sive therapy