Sexual abuse is quite a frequent case solved by the criminal procedure authorities with participation
of experts in the fields of psychiatrics and psychology (3). In 2004, a total of 790 cases were solved
in the Czech Republic, as the statistics of the Police of CZ say. These cases were reported either
by the victims or by their parents, doctors, teachers and friends.
However, in most of the cases there are not any provable physical evidences, e.g. gynaecological,
paediatric or surgical findings, that would confirm sexual abuse as such. Cases with clear medical
findings are rather exceptional. From the practice it is apparent that many cases of pre-pubescent
and pubescent victims are very complicated and single interview or examinations are not sufficient.
The article refers to the case when professional examinations helped during repeated investigations
and interviews with time delay.
Key words:
sexual abuse, specific credibility, psychological examination.