Effect of Dynamic Strength Training on Insulin Sensitivity in Men with
Insulin Resistance
Hejnová J., Majerčík M., Polák J., Richterová B., 1Crampes F., 1deGlisezinski I., Štich V.
Oddělení tělovýchovného lékařství 3. LF UK, Praha 1Česko-francouzská laboratoř pro klinický výzkum obezity, Toulouse, Francie |
Background. Physical activity is generally accepted as a part of the nonpharmacological therapy of the insulin
resistance. Endurance training is generally recommended as an appropriate approach. The aim of this study was to
assess the effect of three-month dynamic strength training on the insulin sensitivity in middle-aged men with insulin
Methods and Results. 10 men (5 obese non diabetics and 5 overweight patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 (age
51.36±7.25 years, average weight 110.16±13.56 kg and BMI 33.22±3.52 kg/m2 underwent a three-month dynamic
strength training at the level of 60 to 70 % of their maximum muscle strength (one-repetition maximum 1-RM).
Insulin sensitivity was determined using the hyperinsulinic euglycemic clamp before and after the training period.
Training promoted to increase the muscle strength (p<0.001). It did not induce changes in body weight, body
composition and maximum aerobic capacity. The training induced an increase in insulin sensitivity (glucose disposal
M: 3.0 vs 4.0 M – mg/min/kg, p<0,01).
Conclusions. Dynamic strength training improves insulin sensitivity in men with insulin resistance independently
on weight loss or increase in aerobic capacity. Our results suggest that the dynamic strength training is an appropriate
physical activity for management of the insulin resistance.
Key words:
strength training, obesity, insulin resistance, euglycemic clamp.