Madonna Terracina F.S., Curinga G., Mazzocchi M., Onesti M.G., Scuderi N.
Department of Dermatology and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Italy |
Erythrosis is a clinical manifestation characterized by parossistic vasodilatations followed by fixed superficial venular dilatations localized
at the face, neck, décolleté and pinnas. To date, a variety of lasers have been used for treating vascular skin lesions. This study
will describe the response on these vascular lesions using the intense pulsed light (IPL) source. Twenty-two female patients and
twelve men, aged between 19 and 65, had a phototype ranging from 2 to 4 on the Fitzpatrick scale. The technique is based on a pulsed
light of high intensity obtained with a vascular filter of 560 nm. They underwent five treatments of twenty minutes each, at intervals of
twenty-one days, with a variable fluency between 9–12 J/cm2 and impulse time of 10–20 ms. The sheaf used is a rectangular spot of
2 cm x 5 cm. In twenty-four patients we obtained a total regression of the cutaneous manifestation after 5 applications, whilst another
two patients showed only an attenuation of the erythema. In five cases with erythrosis the erythema persisted after the end of the
treatment, although the patients were satisfied with the evident benefits. In two patients affected by Civatteʼs poikiloderma of the neck
we obtained differing results: In the first case an evident positive response of the clinical picture was perceived after only two application
of the IPL; in the second case, the benefits were evident after 3–4 applications of IPL at a higher fluency of up to 14 J/ cm2.
One patient in treatment with oral antibiotics showed good results from the first application with regression of the erythema up to its
Collateral effects are not reported, although there was a long-standing (more than 48 hours) post-treatment erythema in only one case.
The IPL system, with its broad range of technical variables, is an effective tool in achieving meaningful and lasting clearance
of erythrosis.
Key words:
intense pulsed light, IPL, face erythrosis, rosacea