Capnometry is a very sensitive and noninvasive monitoring method, which has full justification in emergency medicine. In out-of-hospital
circumstances it take possible advantage specific assets of capnometry for quickly and secure identification of correctly endotracheal intubation, next
as a certain sign of successfully CPR. In the course of interhospital intensive or emergency transports it is necessary comprehensive monitoring of
patients. Capnometry has an important place here, especially in combination with pulse oximetry for monitoring adequate ventilation and for quickly
recognize undesirable situation during transport, for example: ventilator failure, gas supply defect, ET tube oclusion, patient discord with ventilator,
breathing circuit disconnection etc. Capnometry and capnography have become considerable improvement to monitoring of ventilated patients by
activities and during transportations in conditions out-of-hospital emergency care. Therefore mobile units, which practise emergency medicine, should
have capnometer with capnographic recording in equipment.
Key words:
capnometry - monitoring - out-of-hospital emergency care