Colorectal Cancer – Short Time Results of Laparoscopic Resection in 350
Škrovina M., Bartoš J., Czudek S., 1Soumarová R., Adamčík L.
Chirurgické oddělení, Onkologické centrum J. G. Mendela a NsP, Nový Jičín 1Radioterapie a.s., Onkologické centrum J. G. Mendela, Nový Jičín |
Background. Laparoscopic resection of the colon with its results is fully acceptable method of choice in patients with
colorectal cancer. Authors present their own experiences.
Methods and Results. A retrospective study of 350 patients who undergone laparoscopic resection because of
colorectal carcinoma (curative or palliative) from January 1, 2002 to December 31, 2005. From these patients 50.8 %
were operated in the I. and II. grade of the disease, it means without detectable metastases of the lymphatic nodes.
Patients with the carcinoma localised in rectosigma and rectum – 61.1 % dominate in our study. The conversion of
the laparoscopic operation was necessary in 9.1%, in 13.1% there were surgery postoperative complications and
postoperative mortality was 1.4%. Normal eating was allowed to patients in average 4.1 days after the operation and
the average hospitalisation time was 8.3 days. We mentioned also the time of operation in various types of resection,
size of resection express by the number of detectable lymph nodes and necessity of the postoperative analgesic
Conclusions. Laparoscopic resection of the colorectal cancer is today method of choice, which is safe for patient and
with the same morbidity and mortality as in open surgery, provides advantages of mini-invasive approach.
Key words:
colorectal carcinoma, laparoscopy, colorectal surgery.