More than eighty various mRNAs induced in the brain by ischemia, which is the effective stimulus for their
expression, have been detected recently. Many of those genes code proteins participating directly or indirectly
in the neuronal survival. This group includes genes, which are active in the process of cell repair or which protect
neurons from the delayed death. Cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a) and several interleukines
(IL-1, IL-6, IL-10), are important components of actions that follow ischemia. The cell survival is altered mostly
by the general decrease of the gene transcription and/or inhibition of the protein translation. The modulation of
gene expression offers a promising opportunity for treatment and prevention the developing brain ischemia.
Key words:
cerebral ischemia, proteosynthesis, heat-shock protein, protooncogenes, interleukines