The presented work tried to compare of lifestyles of lung carcinoma patients with
control subjects without the disease.Themostcommoncause ofmalignanttumour
death is lung carcinoma responsible for 1 320 000 deaths worldwide in 1996. Lung
carcinoma is a disease with multifactor etiology smoking being the main risk
factor for developing the disease. Smoking is the cause of the disease in 83–94 %
of males and 57–80%of females.However, other factors must not be ignored. These
are risk factors in the working environment, ionizing radiation, polluted air,
passive smoking, nutrition, family history etc. The so called clustering of risk
factors is common. The study was performed as a hospital-based analytical observation
study of cases and controls in the Teaching Hospital in Olomouc. The group
consisted of 91 subjects (70 males and 21 females) with lung carcinoma and the
same number of subjects was in the control group. The subjects provided information
directly during interviews and these were recorded in questionnaires.The
questions were related to lifestyle and other risk factors – education, domicile
including cooking and heating habits, polluted environment, height and weight,
non-tumour lung diseases in the case-history, number of X-ray examinations,
smoking,passive smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary habitsandfamily history.
Key words:
lung cancer – epidemiology – risk factors