The Use of Recombinant Factor VIIa on the Therapy of Massive Bleeding
after Cesarean Section
Uharček P, Mlynček M., Kellner M,. Lajtman E.
Gynekologicko-pôrodnícka klinika, Fakultná nemocnica Nitra, prednosta kliniky doc. MUDr. M. Mlynček, CSc. |
Objective: To present a case report of severe post-partum bleeding after caesarean section and successful
treatment using recombinant factor VIIa.
Setting: Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Faculty Hospital, Nitra, Slovak Republic.
Case report: A 29-year old secundigravida presented with major post-partum bleeding after caesarean
section due to uterine atony. The patient developed hemorrhagic shock, associated with disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC). Treatment with uterotonic drugs, prostaglandins and hysterectomy failed
to control diffuse bleeding. Recombinant factor VIIa (90 μg/kg intravenous injection) was given as
a final attempt to control the bleeding. The response to treatment was rapid, with control of the bleeding
and resolution of the coagulopathy.
Conclusion: This case suggests a potential role of recombination factor VIIa in the treatment of severe
post-partum bleeding associated with DIC.
Key words:
recombinant FVIIa; bleeding; postpartum period