Cardiovascular Diseases and Gene Polymorphisms
Bartošová L., Strnadová V., 1Bartoš M., Krčmář J., Nečas J.
Ústav humánní farmakologie a toxikologie Farmaceutická fakulta VFU, Brno 1Laboratoř molekulární diagnostiky, Genex, Brno |
Cardiovascular diseases rank among the most important mortality causes in the Czech population. Although the
unhealthy living style plays a key role in their development and progression, impacts of the hereditary predisposition
can not be denied. This article characterizes the gene polymorphisms and results of mutations in general. An overview
of the most important findings presented in papers published in the Czech Republic and worldwide follows. Issues of
concrete gene polymorphism associations with such pathological conditions as acute or chronic heart failure, essential
hypertension or heart rhythm disorders are discussed. Attention is paid to genes that participate on ß-adrenergic
signalling, to genes for angiotensin, to ACE-gene and to angiotensin II receptor gene. A table summarizing the most
important data is attached to the article.
Key words:
cardiovascular diseases, hereditary predisposition, gene polymorphism.