Telephone Quitlines as a Part of Complex Services for Tobacco
Dependence Treatment
Králíková E., 1Baška T., 2Langrová K., 3Vojta M.
Ústav hygieny a epidemiologie 1. LF UK a VFN a Centrum léčby závislosti na tabáku 1. LF UK a VFN, Praha 1Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK, Martin 2Česká koalice proti tabáku, Praha 33. ročník 3. LF UK, Praha |
Telephone quitlines for smoking cessation should be included into the available tobacco dependence treatment and
should be included into smoking cessation guidelines. Telephone quitlines does not mean only the help to the calling
smoker, but also can increase the number of quit attempts in the general population. Especially minorities that not so
often take part in the classic smoking cessation treatment, use quitlines more often (e.g. pregnant women). Quitlines
are economically effective, although the most expensive form – individual counselling – should be reserved for those
really willing to stop. Quitlines should be given governmental financial support (compared to other medical
interventions, any smoking cessation treatment is economically more cost effective).
Key words:
telephone quitlines, effective help for smoking cessation.