Shoulder joint – comparison of arthroscopic and
MRI findings
Kautzner J.1, Kos P.1, Krótká I.2, Štastný E.1, Smetana P.1, Trč T.1
1 Ortopedická klinika dětí a dospělých 2. LF UK, FN Motol, Praha Přednosta: doc. MUDr. Tomáš Trč, CSc., MBA. 2 Klinika zobrazovacích metod 2.LF UK, FN Motol, PrahaPřednosta: Prof. MUDr. Jiří Neuwirth, CSc. |
The aim of this study was to assess patients with intraarticular
and extraarticular disorders of the shoulder joint
and to compare the effectiveness MRI and arthroscopic
findings. Conventional MR images and MR arthrograms
were obtained in 24 patients from January 2004 to January
2006. Each patient subsequently underwent shoulder
arthroscopy. Detailed arthroscopic reports were reviewed
and compared with the MR findings. Specificity and
sensitivity was calculated to determine efectivity of MRI
examination. The arthroscopic findings were used as the
standard for reference. SLAP lesions were diagnosed
with the sensitivity of 40 %, anterior labral tears were
diagnosed with the sensitivity of 45 %, sensitivity for
rotator cuff tears was 87.5 %. MRI is an accurate technique
for assessing derangements of shoulder joint such
as rotator cuff tears. For SLAP laesions and anterior
labral tears MRI is not so accurate to use them in preoperative
Key words:
arthroscopy, shoulder joint, magnetic resonace
imaging, SLAP lesion