Epidermoid Formation in the Middle Ear Cavity
Chrobok V., Šimáková E.*, Liang, J. N.**
Oddělení otorinolaryngologie, Nemocnice Pardubice,Ústav zdravotnických studií, Univerzita Pardubice, přednosta prof. MUDr. A. Pellant, DrSc. Fingerlandův ústav patologie, Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové, přednosta prof. MUDr. I. Šteiner, CSc.* Institute of Laryngology and Otology, University College London, Medical School, London, přednosta prof. A.Wright, M.D.** |
Cholesteatoma is an accumulation of stratified squamous epithelium in the middle ear, comprising
both living cellular matrix and the dead keratinous layer. There are two types of cholesteatoma
acquired and congenital. The pathogenesis of cholesteatoma is still not well understood. One theory
of development of congenital cholesteatoma is Michaels’ theory of epidermoid formation. The
epidermoid foci are at the same site asmany congenital cholesteatomas, i.e. in the anterior superior
part of the middle ear. In our study 92 foetal temporal bones were examined and epidermoid
formation was found in 16 i.e. 17%. We found 39 epidermoid formations in 16 temporal bones, thus
there were several epidermoid foci, in one temporal bone (maximum 7). The epidermoid formations
presented several configurations: 21 superficial, 13 spherical and mixed, 4 elongated into the
subepitheliumand one intraepithelial. Twenty - one epidermoid formations (53.8%) were at the most
typical site e.g. in the anterior superior part of the middle ear. The gestational age of the foetuses
were from 13 to 42 weeks.We did not find any epidermoid formation after the 33rd week of gestation.
Key words:
epidermoid formation, temporal bone, foetus, middle ear, histology, cholesteatoma.