Background. The interest of experts in conduct disorders (CD) research is growing during the last two decades. The research areas include the diagnostics, etiopathogenesis and treatment and also the commorbidity, especially with the hyperkinetic syndrome incidence (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – ADHD). This paper intends to describe the conduct disorder occurrence and its other manifestations of divergence found during the investigation of children followed in the prospective longitudinal study ELSPAC in seven, respectively eight years of their age.
Methods and results. Data of 6100 seven-year-old children characterizing their behavior was collected from mothers and attending physicians. In the school year during which this investigation phase took place 2518 of the children reached eight years of age and their behavior, temperament and school results were also evaluated by their teachers. The children were divided into three groups according to the presence or absence of the symptoms, which characterize conduct disorders (found by physicians): „stubborn negativism“, „inability to pay attention“, „aggressiveness“ and „inadequate reactions“. The presence of two of these symptoms was found in 3%, presence of all four symptoms in additional 1,4% of children. Parents and teachers more often indicated various symptoms of hyperactivity in children with conduct disorders.
Conclusions. In almost 5% of the ELSPAC cohort children in seven years of their age those symptoms were diagnosed, which match the Conduct Disorder criteria and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) criteria. In agreement with similar studies these frequent co-morbidities were found: sleep disorders, psychomotor development disorders and laterality changes. The cognitive abilities evaluated by mothers and also teachers based on schoolwork results were more often worsened in children with conduct disorders. Various data indicating their worse social adaptability (which significantly disturbed the class) occurred more frequently in these children.
Key words:
Conduct Disorders, psychomotor development, ELSPAC, seven-year-old children, co-morbidity