Hysteroscopic Incisio-
nal Metroplasty
Kužel D., Tóth D., Fučíková Z., Cibula D., Hrušková H., Jurovich P., Živný J.
Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika 1. LF UK a VFN v Praze, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Živný, DrSc |
Malformations of the Müllerian duct or-
gans cause fertility problems in around of 1% of all
women. The women more often suffered from infertility
than sterility. Hysteroscopic incisional metroplasty is
preferable due to minimal invasivity and favourable
pregnancy outcomes.
Material and methods: 49 patients (32 infertile and 8
sterile) were subjected to hysteroscopic incisional metro-
plasty in the years 1996–1998. Procedures were perfor-
med under general anaesthesia using the scissor „cold“
surgery. Postoperativelly were followed-up 24 patients
(19 infertile and 5 sterile) they wanted to have baby.
Results: From 24 patients in follow-up study followed up
on 19 (79 %) women term delivery, 18 (95 %) infertile and
1 (20 %) sterile. Average duration of pregnancy was 39
weeks (37–41), average weight of the newborns was 3240
g (2620–4110), 15 (79 %) deliveries were terminated spon-
taneously and 4 (21 %) with cesarian section. We did not
meet any complications during pregnancy or labor.
Conclusion: Hysteroscopic incisional metroplasty is gene-
rally preferable due to minimal invasivity and favourable
pregnancy outcomes. We prefere scissors „cold“ surgery
due to better check out of the hysteroscopic procedure. We
neither prepare endometrium preoperativelly nor admi-
nistrate estrogens or IUD postoperativelly in prevention
of postoperative intrauterine adhesions. There are only
exceptionally mentioned complications in connection
with hysteroscopic incisional metroplasty.
Hysteroscopic incisional metroplasty is minimally inva-
sive, laparoscopically assisted procedure, possible to per-.
Key words:
hysteroscopy, septum, sterility, infertility