Anaesthesiology has been implemented into modern perioperative medicine; neuroaxial blocks have become very
popular. Short acting and well controllable drugs are administered in continuous infusions as components of total
intravenous anaesthesia. Halothane and nitrous oxide are significantly retreating. Very low, even prenatal age and
„oldies“ are no longer contraindication for anaesthesia. Situation in foremost Czech hospitals meets progressive
world standard, however, experimental basic research is unsatisfactory. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation has followed
ILCOR Guidelines 2000. Intensive medicine is aimed at pathophysiological mechanism encl. subcellular level, to
use protective mechanical ventilation, less invasive methods, to support homeostatic systems of critically ill patients.
Discussion of ethical principles, medical and economic limits of critical care are hot topics.
Key words:
perioperative medicine; anaesthesiology; cardiopulmonary resuscitation; intensive medicine; medical
ethics in critical cases. Dr.