Genetic Aspects of Atherosclerosis
Novotný D. 1 , Vaverková H. 2 , -kopková Z. 1, 2
1 Department of Clinical Biochemistry, University Hospital, Olomouc 2 3 rd Medical Clinic, University Hospital, Olomouc |
Atherogenesis is a complex process involving several pathophysiological subsystems. Development of molecu-
lar biology techniques have made possible an active search for genetic components of atherosclerosis. There is
a vast number of candidate genes that either predispose or provide resistance to disease. This work provides
a review of the most important genes involved in the metabolism of lipoproteins, coagulation and thrombolysis,
platelet function, hypertension, regulation of vascular tone etc. The strategy of a practical approach to using
genetic testing in the field of dyslipidaemias is also discussed.
Key words:
atherosclerosis, candidate gene, polymorphism, familial hypercholesterolaemia.