Objective: Evaluation of correctly performed mediolateral episiotomies in vaginal deliveries.
Methods: A cohort study of 253 primigravid women after their first vaginal delivery. The main
parameter followed was the angle of episiotomy. This is defined as the angle formed by midline and the
line of epidermal suturing of the episiotomy.
Results: 137 women had deliveries performed by a doctor and 116 by a midwife. There was no significant
difference between groups. The number of adequately performed mediolateral episiotomies was 100
(40%) altogether, from them 48 (41%) among midwives and 52 (40%) among doctors. Other parameters
were: the length of perineum, the length of episiotomy, and the shortest distance between episiotomy and
the centre of the anus.
Conclusion: This study shows that majority of episiotomies are cut in the wrong direction. The difference
in technique between doctors and midwives was not observed.
Key words:
mediolateral episiotomy, anatomy, perineum, cutting of episiotomy