Influence of the Magnetic Field on the Embryonic Mortality
Veterány L., Veterányová A., Jedlička J.
Katedra fyziológie a anatómie, Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, Nitra, Anesteziologicko-resuscitačné oddelenie, NsP, Nitra, Medicínske centrum, Nitra |
The effects of magnetic field of the intensity 0,07 T on embryonic mortality of chicken were studied. Embryonic
mortality in eggs exposed to the magnetic field during their incubation was higher (14,28 ± 3,14 %; 18,57 ± 4,03 %
resp. 18,95 ± 3,77 %). In comparison with the control group (1,57 ± 0,97 %) all results were significantly different
(p < 0,001). The negative effect of the magnetic field manifested also by the lower weight of the hatched chickens
(33,58 ± 2,07 g; 33,09 ± 3,73 g resp. 31,17 ± 4,21 g) when compared with the control group (40,80 ± 5,12 g) (p <
Key words:
magnetic field, embryonic mortality, body weight