Rheumatoid arthritis without
development of erosive changes
Rovenský J., Mičeková D., Kmečová Z.1, Stančíková M., Gatterová J.2,Bakošová J.
Národný ústav reumatických chorôb, Piešťany 1Reumatologická ambulancia, Roosveltovej nemocnice, Banská Bystrica 2Revmatologický ústav, Praha |
The authors describe course of highly active seropositive rheumatoid arthritis without development
of bony erosions even after 14 years of disease duration. In spite of the absence of erosive changes,
there is no doubt about the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis due to criteria being present (6 criteria
of Arnett et al., 1987). The development of such a form of rheumatoid arthritis with no erosions and
its possible causes are discussed in this case report. The effect of the treatment with low doses of
glucocorticoids is discussed, which is in agreement with literature data. Possible role of genetic
factors and inflammatory mediators in the initiation of erosions is analysed.
Key words:
radiological progression, erosive changes of RA, glucocorticoid therapy of early RA,
inflammatory mediators