The nutrient and non-nutrient components of plant food, through a variety mechanism, reduce the risk of chronic non-
-infectious diseases. A higher and, most importantly, regular consumption of fruit and vegetables, whole grain products,
grain sprouts, various nuts and other oil seeds, pulses and plant oils rich in minerals, trace elements, antioxidant
vitamins, flavonoids, fiber, complex carbohydrates, mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids, and nutrients together with
a healthy lifestyle protect against degenerative diseases. In comparison to non-vegetarians, vegetarians had a 24%
reduction in mortality from ischemic heart disease. Deaths from diabetes or many types of cancer are considerable
lower in subjects with exclusive or predominant consumption of plant food. The lower values of risk lipid factors for
atherosclerosis and the higher values of lipid parameters with antisclerotic properties were observed in vegetarians in
comparison to general population on traditional mixed diet. Vegetarians are more insulin sensitive. They have low
values of insulin resistance and the low values of high sensitivity C-reactive protein. In alternative nutrition subjects
were found the lower values of products of oxidative damage of lipids, proteins and DNA as a consequence of high
intake of various antioxidants. A greater incidence of mild hyperhomocysteinemia in vegetarians as a consequence of
vitamin B12 deficiency is easily reparable by increased consumption of low fat animal food or by use of food and
pharmacological additives with vitamin B12 content in strict vegetarians.
Key words:
vegetarians, protective food commodities, lipid profile, insulin resistance, antioxidants.