Background. Decreasing quality of the semen represents a big problem for human population.
Parameters of spermiogramms are used for obtaining of information about the human semen quality. The
aim of our study was to evaluate parameters of semen and its immunological characteristics in relation
to data from personal history of our students.
Methods and Results. Basic analysis of semen samples of 110 students was performed according to
World Health Organization criteria. Direct mixed-antiimmunoglobulin-reaction-tests for detection of
sperm-agglutinating antibodies, intraacrosomal proteins by specific monoclonal antibodies and
immunoflurescence examination were used. Data from anamnesis were obtained by a questionnaire.
Normozoospermia was found in 72% cases, oligozoospermia in 14%, asthenozoospermia in 5%,
teratozoospermia in 4%, oligoasthenozoospermia in 5% of men. We have not confirmed negative
influence of smoking, drug abuse, wearing tight clothes, hot baths, and using sauna on sperm quality.
There was significantly higher percentage of students consuming presevered and spicy food more than
twice a week in the group with pathological spermiogramm in comparison with the normozoospermic
group. Acrosomal proteins were found in 75% men with normozoospermia and in 43% of pathological
spermiogramms. Findings of sperm-agglutinating antibodies were not significant.
Conclusions. Semen quantity as well as quality is affected by many intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Our
study shows that fertility of our students is better than we expected.
Key words:
sperm quality, semen, spermiogramm.