Background: To evaluate the application of the available diagnostic procedures
in intraocular foreign bodies impacted in the posterior segment of the eye.
Materials and methods: Between 1989 - 1993 were treated 51 patients and between
1994 - 1998 were treated 74 patients with intraocular foreign bodies in the posterior
eye segment at the Department of Ophthalmology, Medical faculty of the Comenius
University in Bratislava. It was evaluated: time of the first medical examination,
cause of the injury, time of the right diagnostic and used ancillary testings. In the
second period (prospective study) was evaluated also foreign body trajectory in
the posterior segment of the eye. The influence on the final visual acuity was
evaluated in no proper diagnosed patients.
Results: 50.9 % of patients in the first period and 55.9 % of patients in the second
period were injured while at work. Foreign body was metallic in 96 % and 94.7 %
respectively. In the first period 12 patients were injured by various explosions
and in the second period 16 patients were injured by working with some circula-
ting tools. The most common ancillary testing was plain film testing and Comberg
localisation. In the second period was intraocular foreign body trajectory defined as indirect in 24 eyes (32 %). The foreign body achieved its final intraocular
position after simple or double contact with the retina. Foreign body was unpro-
perly diagnosed in 14 patients. The final visual acuity was negative influenced by
this fact in 8 patients.
Conclusions: A history and ocular examinationare are still most important in
diagnosis of the penetrating eye injury with intraocular foreign body. The basic
ancilary testing is simple plain film. Ultrasonography is helpful in diagnosis of
other intraocular pathological changes. In justified cases is also possible to
perform computed tomography. The peroperative intraocular diagnostics is very
important for treatment of the all injured intraocular structures.
Key words:
intraocular foreign body, posterior segment of the eye, diagnostics,